Saturday, January 5, 2008

Workaholic kah Anda?

Pernah dengar istilah “workaholic”? Menurut definisi dari salah satu kamus online terbesar wikipedia, bahwa “a workaholic is a person who is addicted to work”.Orang yang kecanduan/ketagihan untuk bekerja. (Hehe.. Aneh yaa, kerja kok ketagihan.. ).
Btw membahas tentang workaholic, bisa jadi feomena yang terjadi di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta atau Surabaya. Dimana orang berangkat kerja masih gelap (subuh), dan pulang kerja balik ke rumah juga sudah gelap. Bahkan mendekati tengah malam. Nah apa yang terjadi? Apakah ini yang disebut dengan fenomena Workaholic. Atau kah ini hanyalah sebuah efek dari macetnya jalan-jalan di kota besar serta fenomena kaum daerah urban. Apa kaintannya dengan “workaholic” tadi.

Atau jangan-jangan kita ini memang sering berangkat kerja subuh, dan pulang tengah malam. Tapi sebenarnya itu bukan karakter kita yang “workaholic”, tetapi karena beban kerja kita yang over berjibun, dan kepaksa ber-workaholic ria, takut dimarahin boss. Hehe :))
Nah, berdasarkan artikel dari Wall Street Journal, bahwa ada 5 ciri seseorang itu dikategorikan sebagai seorang Workaholic, yaitu:
1. Preoccupation with work.
Workaholics typically have difficulty leaving the office while home or in social situations and are unable to “turn work off”, says Dr. Robinson, who says he is a recovered workaholic. Working from home after the end of the typical business day is common, as is checking a BlackBerry throughout the night and weekend, he says. When they are home, a preoccupation with thoughts about their jobs may prevent them from being “psychologically present,” says Dr. Robinson.
Tambahan lagi:
Workaholics are usually uncomfortable using sick days or going on vacation. To avoid taking sick days, some jeopardize their health. When vacationing, some take along work to do. Mr. Flax says he brings his laptop and BlackBerry on vacation.
2. Discomfort in delegating.
Many workaholics are poor delegators because of their need to control, says Dr. Langlieb.
3. Neglect other aspects of their life.
Often workaholics put work before their families and personal lives. Dr. Robinson says many of his patients later regret not having attended events they missed or done things they skipped during the throes of their obsession with work. The day of his father’s funeral, for example, Mr. Robinson says, he found himself back at his office working after attending the service instead of taking some time off for grieving.
4. Merge other parts of their lives into work.

Because work is constantly on the brain, workaholics may try to create businesses based on their hobbies. There is no demarcation between leisure and work for a workaholic, says Dr. Langlieb.

5. ‘Sneaking’ work.
Workaholics, like other addicts, when confronted about their addiction, often try to hide it. Years ago, a big briefcase was difficult to hide, but today smart phones can let people practically hide their cubicles in their pockets, says Ms. Porter.

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